
Little Things

I still might be lost when it comes to weather, but there is definitely spring in my home. Radishes, onions, spinach, and even potatoes are greening. And what's most importantly, my wild strawberries are finally beginning to look like strawberries. I don't think I'll ever see actual berries there, but I mustn't succumb to the pesimism.

Apart from vegetables and green goods my room is also full with daffodils and tulips. Ah, I just love them. It is surprising how those little things can lift one's spirits. I feel I could take thousands of pictures of them, but of course, no picture will ever show them in their true beauty.

The weather, of course, is typical March, no wonder I rather wanted to sleep through it. I don't even want to leave home, seeing what's going on outside the window. But, the duty calls! So I wrap myself in warm clothes and go. I must say, I was afraid I'd get stuck in that mash that's dominating the streets. Thankfully, I'm back in warmth and drought and can indulge in my dreams about spring.

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